Apr 27, 2011

Enjoy this dream of “life”, and never worry about time passing and the end approaching, for that too is an illusion.

Apr 26, 2011

Joe Dassin - Les Champs Elysees (1979)

Peter Sarstedt - Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)

Tuesday, April 26 - 2011

Do something that inspires the passion within you. Don't be discouraged by setbacks - be motivated. Use your discipline and patience to set your dreams in motion. Be realistic in your approach. The time has come to face the music! Whatever you do, don't shrink into the background and expect others to take care of things for you. The only one who acts in your best interest is you.

Apr 13, 2011

Ama tu Vida!!!

Mas que amar la vida, es amarte a ti mismo, tu le das sentido a la vida. Es como un juego en donde tu le pones y le quitas lo que quieres, donde aceptas o rechazas a las personas o situaciones que tu consideres que quieres vivir o tener. Planteate constantemente metas, el luchar por ellas te mantiene entretenido y motivado. Tu tienes el control, nadie mas, todo esta en tu mente.
Vivimos para aprender y ser felices!!

Apr 8, 2011

"The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see."

~G.K. Chesterton~